4 Tree Treatment and Landscape Planting Proposal
5 Implementation of Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
Table 4.1: Proposed Tree Treatment
Table 4.2: Summary of Proposed Shrub Planting Schedule
Table 5.1: Summary of Mitigation Measures for Construction and Operation Phases
Appendix B. Landscape General Arrangement Plan
Appendix C. Zoning of the Airport Island for Existing Platform and Future 3RS
Appendix D. Visually Sensitive Receiver Plan (extracted from the approved HKBCF EIA Report)
Appendix E. Recommended Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
Appendix F. Landscape Master Plan (extracted from the approved HKBCF EIA Report)
Appendix G. Implementation Schedule
1.1 Project Background
To connect the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) with the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), roads including an elevated bridge structure (hereinafter referred to as “the HKBCF Viaduct/Roads”) were proposed as part of the HKBCF project, as described in Section 4.5 of the approved Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report of the HKBCF project. The HKBCF Viaduct/Roads are located partly within the boundary of the Airport Island near Terminal 2 (T2) and partly within the boundary of the land corridor between HKBCF and the Airport Island, i.e. partly within the HKBCF boundary.
Under the HKBCF project, the arrangements for the planning of the construction of the HKBCF Viaduct/Roads were formulated based on the scenario with the existing two-runway system 2RS at the HKIA. The portion of the HKBCF Viaduct/Roads falling within the boundary of the land corridor between HKBCF and HKIA were originally planned to be constructed by Highways Department (HyD) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSARG) as part of the HKBCF project.
With the planned expansion of HKIA into a Three-runway system (3RS), a revised layout of the HKBCF Viaduct/Roads (hereinafter referred to as the proposed “HKIA-HKBCF Road Connection”) was formulated as part of the P282 Terminal 2 Expansion Design Consultancy of Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK). The proposed HKIA-HKBCF Road Connection has taken into account the design of the 3RS road network designed around the expanded T2 building. In addition to preparing the detailed design, it was also considered that the proposed HKIA-HKBCF Road Connection within the HKBCF boundary would be constructed by AAHK instead of HyD along with the 3RS road network planned within the Airport Island. Upon completion of the construction works, the new HKIA-HKBCF Road Connection outside the Airport Island would be handed over to HyD for future operation and maintenance.
The EIA for the HKBCF project, which covered the HKBCF Viaduct/Roads as a Designated Project (DP) based on the requirements set out in Item A.8. (i.e. A road bridge more than 100m in length between abutments) in Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap. 499), was completed and approved (EIA Register No.: AEIAR-145/2009) and an Environmental Permit (EP) (EP No.: EP-353/2009) was granted under the EIAO to HyD. The construction for the HKIA-HKBCF Road Connection (hereafter as “the Project”) consists of a road bridge more than 100m in length between abutments connecting between HKBCF and the HKIA, which is part of the work for HZMB-HKBCF. Location of the Project Site is shown in Appendix A.
On the other hand, the 3RS EIA had subsequently commenced and completed (EIA Register No.: AEIAR-185/2014) by AAHK, and it has already taken the layout of the proposed HKIA-HKBCF Road Connection into account and has assessed the relevant cumulative environmental impacts. The planned change in implementation agent from HyD to AAHK for the construction of the proposed HKIA-HKBCF Road Connection outside the Airport Island would, involves a transfer of corresponding responsibilities under the HKBCF EP from HyD to AAHK. To this end, an Environmental Review Report (ERR) was prepared and submitted to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) in November 2018 which concluded that the change of implementation agent from HyD to AAHK for the construction of the Project would not result in any exceedance or violation of the environmental performance requirements set out in the approved HKBCF and 3RS EIAs and the mitigation measures identified in these EIAs remained relevant and valid. A Further Environmental Permit (EP No. FEP-01/353/2009/K) for the construction of the HKIA-HKBCF Road Connection was granted to AAHK in December 2018 in accordance with Section 12 of EIAO.
As stipulated in Condition 2.4 of FEP No. FEP-01/353/2009/K, “The Permit Holder shall deposit with the Director, at least 1 month before the commencement of construction of relevant part of the Project, three hard copies and one electronic copy of a landscape and visual plan (the Plan) incorporating aesthetic architectural design on buildings structures and related infrastructure of the Project, streetscape elements, planting proposals and other measures including night-time lighting control.”
1.2 Project Description
The Project will consist of the construction of a road bridge more than 100m in length between abutments connecting between HKBCF and the HKIA, which is part of the work for HZMB-HKBCF.
Landscape works under the Project include the following:
(a) Construction of landscape softworks, including
· Reinstatement works including shrub, groundcover and turf planting as well as reinstatement of existing irrigation system.
1.3 Objectives of the Landscape and Visual Plan
A Landscape and Visual Plan (LVP) is prepared to fulfill the Condition 2.4 of FEP. The objectives of the LVP include the following:
· To demonstrate the relevant landscape and visual design and mitigation measures adopted in the construction phase and operation phase with reference to the Section 14 – Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) of the approved HKBCF EIA Report, EM&A Manual for this Project and the approved LVP for the HKBCF (hereinafter referred to as “approved HKBCF LVP”).
· To incorporate aesthetic architectural design on buildings structures and related infrastructure of the Project, streetscape elements, planting proposals and other measures including night-time lighting control, if applicable;
· To describe locations, size, number and plant species to be provided for the Project, if applicable; and
· To provide implementation programme, maintenance and management schedules.
The LVP submission is required at least 1 month before the commencement of construction of relevant part of the Project (see Section 1.1 above). To fulfill this commitment, a LVP was formally submitted to EPD on 3 September 2021, ET subsequently addressed EPD’s comments and resubmitted the LVP. The LVP was accepted by EPD on 11 November 2021.
The previous LVP mentioned that AAHK would take up the responsibility of planting 3 compensatory trees under HyD’s Contract No. HY/2019/01 for the project of Central Kowloon Route. However, in October 2021, HyD confirmed that the three concerned trees had been planted under the HKBCF project, fulfilling the relevant requirements of paragraph 1.1.9 of the latest approved HKBCF LVP (April 2021 version) and that of paragraph of the latest approved Landscape Proposal of HKBCF project. AAHK then clarified with Planning Department (PlanD) for not planting the three concerned trees under the Project and PlanD had no adverse comment on not to plant the concerned trees by AAHK. This LVP has therefore been revised to reflect the change on the landscape planting proposal.
2.1 Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures Considered
In Section of the approved HKBCF EIA Report, Section 13.2.4 of EM&A Manual of the Project and the approved HKBCF LVP, landscape and visual mitigation measures are proposed for construction and operation phases of the Project. These mitigation measures will be adopted during construction and operation as far as practicable.
Some of these design measures are applicable to HZMB Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR) and HKBCF, but not this Project. Relevant design measures as extracted from Section of the approved HKBCF EIA Report are listed below:
· Protection measures for the trees to be retained during construction activities;
· Optimizing the sizes and spacings of the bridge columns;
· Fine-tuning the location of the bridge columns to avoid visually-sensitive locations; and
· Maximizing new tree, shrub and other vegetation planting to compensate tree felled and vegetation removed.
2.2 Landscape Design Consideration
This Project is located very close to the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and underneath the air-flight route. Therefore, all proposed planting under this Project would follow the latest HKIA APSL (Revision 5.0: January 2018), which follows the recommendation provided in the approved HKBCF LVP. According to the zoning plan of the Airport Island presented in the HKIA APSL (appended as Appendix C), the works areas of the Project fall within Zone 1 and Zone 2 which have different restrictions on the planting design.
3.1 Landscape and Visual Design Measures Adopted
The proposed landscape and visual design measures in Section of the approved HKBCF EIA Report, Section 13.2.4 of EM&A Manual of the Project and the approved HKBCF LVP are considered. They are proposed and adopted as far as practicable. The following sections summarize the development of relevant design measures relevant to the Project.
3.1.1 Protection measures for the trees to be retained during construction activities
Tree protection zone for all existing trees located within the works area shall be provided by the contractor in accordance with the tree protection specifications outlined in the Contract Specification. The maintenance of the existing trees are currently provided by the Management, Operation and Maintenance (MOM) Contractor and HyD Contract No. HY/2019/01.
3.1.2 Optimizing the sizes and spacings of the bridge columns
The sizes of the bridge columns have been minimized to reduce the bulkiness of the structure. Spacing of the bridge columns has also adopted an evenly distributed spacing of 30m to 42m so that the structure would be aesthetically more pleasing. The optimal balance between the size and spacing of the bridge columns is achieved to blend in with the surrounding environment and other built aesthetics.
3.1.3 Fine-tuning the location of the bridge columns to avoid visually-sensitive locations
The locations of the bridge columns have been designed in the same aligned east and west axis, creating a limited and shorter elevations perceived from the VSRs at Airport Island, Tung Chung and North Lantau Island. In addition, locations of the bridge columns are slightly adjusted to avoid the columns becoming a prominent part of the views of at-grade road users as the column arrangement are heavily influenced by underground utilities.
3.1.4 Maximizing new tree, shrub and other vegetation planting to compensate tree felled and vegetation removed
In the overall landscape design of the Project, greening opportunities would adopt the design requirements provided in the HKBCF LVP. All existing trees would be retained and hence no compensatory trees would be required. When the construction activities are completed, the landscape area would be reinstated by the contractor. The landscape reinstatement works including the planting of shrub, groundcover and turf would follow the requirements in Appendix B.
4 Tree Treatment and Landscape Planting Proposal
The following section will describe the proposed tree treatment as well as the locations, size, number and species of the shrub planting for the Project.
4.1 Tree Treatment
According to the information available, a summary of proposed tree treatment is provided in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1: Proposed Tree Treatment
Trees proposed to be retained |
proposed |
proposed |
39 |
0 |
0 |
Further details of tree treatment for “Trees to be Retained” are provided below:
All the existing trees (i.e. 39 nos.) were assessed as not being affected by the Project works and would be retained. The tree location is shown in Appendix B. Tree protection zone for the trees shall be provided by the contractor in accordance with the tree protection specifications outlined in the Contract Specification.
4.2 Landscape Planting Proposal
The construction works of the Project would remove part of the existing soft landscape including shrubs, groundcover and turf. When the construction works completed, the affected landscape area would be reinstated by the contractor. The planting layout plan is shown in Appendix B.
Different zones are classified for the Airport Island and areas in the vicinity based on the distances from runway centre lines and land use as shown in Appendix C. According to the classification, the available area for shrubs are within Zone 1 and Zone 2.
All the landscape planting shall follow the latest version of HKIA APSL, which is developed as an environmental management to strike a balance between aviation safety and landscape attractiveness to birds in HKIA and areas in the vicinity. The HKIA APSL restricts the plant species and size in different zones. Plant species selected for the Project is based on the planting criteria of each zone. Table 4.2 provide a summary of distribution and species selected in the available planting areas.
Table 4.2: Summary of Proposed Shrub Planting Schedule
Zoning in the HKIA APSL |
Plant Species |
Spacing (Height x Spread) (mm) |
Spacing (mm) |
Zone 1 |
Shrub |
Aglaia odorata |
700 x 500 |
400 |
Ficus microcarpa ‘Golden leaves’ |
1000 x 700 |
600 |
Rhododendron pulchrum |
600 x 400 |
300 |
Zone 1 & Zone 2 |
Ground cover |
Lantana montevidensis |
200 x 300 |
200 |
Liriope spicata |
100 x 100 |
100 |
Ophiopogon japonicus |
150 x 150 |
100 |
Wedelia trilobata |
100 x 100 |
100 |
Zephyranthes candida |
100 x 100 |
100 |
Zephyranthes rosea |
150 x 200 |
100 |
5 Implementation of Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
5.1 Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
In Section of the approved HKBCF EIA Report, Section 13.2.5 of the EM&A Manual of the Project and the HKBCF LVP, landscape and visual mitigation measures are proposed for construction and operation phases. These mitigation measures are considered and will be adopted during construction and operation as far as practicable.
In Figure 14.1.3 of the approved HKBCF EIA Report (see Appendix D), 4 out of 32 identified Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs), namely VSR10, VSR15, VSR26, VSR31, are relevant to the Project.
Implementation details of mitigation measures relevant to this Project are summarized in Table 5.1, which provides a review of the Project design against these landscape and visual mitigation measures, summarizing how they were considered and integrated into the Project. In general, the adopted layout is similar to that in the EIA stage. The proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures under the Project are illustrated in Appendix E, where the general landscape master plan in the EIA stage is shown in Appendix F for comparison. Appendix G shows the implementation schedule of all landscape and visual design and mitigation measures. Appendix H shows photomontages that demonstrate the development with the recommended landscape and visual mitigation measures for VSR 26 while Appendix I demonstrates the recommended landscape and visual mitigation measures for viaduct works with closer views.
Table 5.1: Summary of Mitigation Measures for Construction and Operation Phases
Mitigation Code |
Mitigation Measures as Extracted from Section 13.2.5 of the Project EM&A Manual |
Implementation Details of Mitigation Measure under the Project |
Construction Phase |
G1 |
Grass-hydroseed bare soil surface and stock pile areas. |
Whenever bare soil surface and stockpile areas are expected to be left unoccupied and exposed for reasonably long periods of time, which allows the establishment of hydroseeded grass. |
G2 |
Add planting strip and automatic irrigation system if appropriate at some portions of bridge or footbridge to screen bridge and traffic. |
New planting strip and automatic irrigation system will not be added under this Project. Instead, the existing irrigation system, which is affected during the construction period, shall be reinstated after the construction works if necessary.
G11 |
All existing trees shall be carefully protected during construction. |
All existing trees shall be retained and be carefully protected during construction in accordance with the tree protection specifications outlined in the Contract Specification.
V1 |
Minimize time for construction activities during construction period. |
The progress of construction works will be closely monitored to ensure that the time for construction activities is minimized during construction period. |
V2 |
Provide screen hoarding at the portion of the project site / works areas / storage areas near Visual Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) who have close low-level views to the Project during construction. |
Implementation of this construction mitigation measure shall be closely monitored during the construction period.
Operation Phase |
G10 |
Provide proper planting maintenance on the new planting areas to enhance the aesthetic degree. |
Planting maintenance such as watering, fertilizing, weeding, pruning and mowing etc. will begin immediately after planting. Appendix J shows the planting maintenance principle and schedule. |
V3 |
Lighting design to minimize glare at night. Decorative road lighting to be considered during detailed design stage. |
Decorative road lighting is not applicable to the Project. However, to minimize glare at night and avoid any unnecessary light spill to nearby VSRs (e.g. those on Airport Island and residents at Tung Chung and north Lantau), only minimum functional lighting will be provided for safety and all directional lighting will be facing towards, instead of away from, the Project Site. |
5.2 Re-assessment of Residual Impacts
As mentioned in Section 1.1, the implementation agent for the construction of the Project has been changed from HyD to AAHK. In this connection, re-assessment on the residual impacts with the planned change of the implementation agent has been considered.
According to the ERR submitted to EPD in November 2018, the change of implementation agent from HyD to AAHK for the construction of the Project would not result in any exceedance or violation of the environmental performance requirements set out in the approved HKBCF EIA Report and the mitigation measures recommended in the approved HKBCF EIA Report remained relevant and valid.
In conclusion, the proposed change of implementation agent from HyD to AAHK does not affect the effectiveness of the landscape and visual mitigation measures as listed in this LVP under the Project. The residual impact will remain acceptable with mitigation measures recommended in this LVP.
5.3 Maintenance and Management
The Environmental Team (ET) engaged by AAHK will be responsible for the landscape and visual monitoring works as listed in the Monitoring Programme in Table 13.1 of the EM&A Manual of the Project during the construction period. The landscape and visual monitoring works shall make reference to this LVP once this LVP is endorsed by PlanD/ EPD. For reporting and submission on landscape and visual monitoring for the construction period, the ET will submit reports to the IEC to verify their works and to the AAHK for record.
During the construction, establishment and long-term management phases, the management and maintenance of existing trees are provided by the MOM Contractor and HyD Contract No. HY/2019/01. The remaining landscape and visual mitigation measures are provided by the Contractor of AAHK as stated in Table 5.1.
The long-term management and maintenance responsibilities, for the landscape works, requirement of hard landscape and soft landscape maintenance inspections and operations for this Project are adopted from the approved HKBCF LVP. The schedule of management and maintenance responsibilities for landscape works and operations and maintenance schedules are illustrated in Appendix J.
This LVP submission is prepared in fulfilment of Condition 2.4 of FEP No. FEP-01/353/2009/K to incorporate aesthetic architectural design on buildings structures and related infrastructure of the Project, streetscape elements, planting proposals and other measures including night-time lighting control of the Project.
The Project involves the construction of a road bridge more than 100m in length between abutments connecting between HKBCF and the HKIA, which is part of the work for HZMB-HKBCF. Landscape softworks include reinstatement of shrub and groundcover planting, turfing, and existing irrigation system.
All relevant design measures listed in Section of the approved HKBCF EIA Report (Register No.: AEIAR-145/2009), Section 13.2.4 of the EM&A Manual of the Project and the approved HKBCF LVP have been considered and adopted for this Project.
To minimize potential landscape and visual impact, greening is maximised for the Project at the external open space as far as practicable, and the planting design fulfils the requirements of the HKIA APSL.
Landscape and visual mitigation measures for construction and operation phases as recommended in Section of the approved HKBCF EIA Report, Section 13.2.5 of the EM&A Manual of the Project and the approved HKBCF LVP will also be adopted as far as practicable. Implementation details of mitigation measures relevant to this Project are described in this LVP submission.
The basic principles for maintenance of landscape works and detailed arrangement on maintenance and management of landscape works, which are adopted from the approved HKBCF LVP, are also summarized in this LVP.